
Enjoy the journey & other lessons learned

Here's a life story about life being a journey and enjoying every step of the way, seeing the possibility, and learning every day.
When I tell people, Iowa, that's where I was born
They tease me about endless flat land and corn
That's where I grew values and how to work hard
Pride in farmers and Americans, things you can't learn from a card

Relatives warned don't go north to Appleton where it's cold
Women wear flannels and hunt deer, young and old
I learned to follow my own dreams with the precision of a bow
Have courage and strength and cheer on my teams, go, go, go!

Elders shook their head about moving to the capitol, Mad Town
Be careful they exclaimed, you could become a politician or clown
That's where I led communities and debate ideas with zeal
The government, the university, all part of the appeal
Friends rolled their eyes, friends don't let friends go to Fort Wyane
Not enough parties or people, you'll have to escape by plane
I only needed to find one person, the love of my life
I loved responsibility, a career, and throwing parties as a wife

Those settled questioned, why Bloomington, a town so small?
Why risk your paycheck and take a chance that you'll fall?
Big ideas from Asia, Africa, Europe, and many states
We triumphed in case studies, internships, a big success at any rate

Classmates pointed out Cincinnati isn't close to a beach
So serious, so focused on industry, life won't be a peach
I learned to turn around businesses in need
With little ones we grew fruit trees, gardens, and good deeds

Collegues warned don't leave for Evansville, a smaller river port
Watch out for cowboys and the religious sort
That's where I feel most comfortable to kick up my boots
And sing praises so loud, a place where kids can grow roots

Neighbors ask why buy property in the mountains, so close to the sky
You could get attacked by a bear, you can't even fly
That's where I appreciate nature so majestic and free
I embrace the danger, the adventure, and all that I can be

Strangers warned don't move to a bankrupt, high tax state
The traffic, the crime, you know it leads to hate
Chicago has energy, diversity, and new food to taste
So many museums and parks, there's not a moment to waste

Shoot for the stars and don't let anyone hold you back.  Experience new places and cultures, you'll never stop learning.  And whenever you hear negative stereotypes, search for the positive instead.

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