"Jungle Jack" began his tv appearances much earlier as a frequent guest on the Late Night Show with host David Letterman. Now Jack Hanna stars in numerous shows including Into the Wild, Animal Adventures, and Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown.
If your kids have special interest in a celebrity, look up whether they tour. In this case, Jack Hanna travels around the nation giving a live animal show. He brings a variety of animals including a cheetah, sloth, koala, and echidna.
If Jack Hanna doesn't travel to your community, consider a trip to a zoo or conservation site to celebrate animal conservation. In direct connection to Jack, visit the Columbus Zoo where Jack held the Director position.
Where: Columbus, Ohio
Cost: $14.99 child (age 3-9), $19.99 adult, $10 parking
Check out times for "Animals on Safari Show"
The Wilds conservation park, also located in Ohio and connected to Jack provides kids the opportunity to learn animal conservation. Jack filmed a show at this location. We also took the kids to The Wilds, check out my blog story.
Consider learning about other animal lovers. Jack connected to Betty White, known for her love for dogs, "In 2014 one of my dreams came true when Betty White graciously joined me for the opening of Heart of Africa..." Jack Hanna, Jack Hanna website. I've also met Betty White. Blog story coming soon...